To build more mass movements to increase cohesion and enhance health, DB Company's Union organized and launched the campaign "DB - Running Challenge 2023" with the participation of all employees. Program to encourage team spirit, train together to be healthier and full of energy DB Running Challenge 2023 is an online running event in 60 days. Participating employees are divided into 5 participating teams, participants can run many times and accumulate results during the event. From 00h on March 1st to 23h59p on May 1st: members of each team walk or run and accumulate the results achieved (calculated by the total number of kilometers each person completes in the requested time of BTC). Running results will be recorded on the Strava app and synchronized with 84 Race, ACE needs to be equipped with devices such as smartphones or smart watches. The Company's Trade Union wishes you and your employees a season full of joy and energy.